2018 is the year of families, and in light of this, the government wishes to introduce interventions, which will serve as a sufficient solution for population problems, and may increase the welfare of families, so that the families’ lives become more balanced.
The dual load of work and private life doesn’t only impact women, men are just as involved, and the unseen work within the family is also not exclusively done by women, as these problems are not gender-specific, and are relevant to the entire family.
We wish to succeed in the challenges of the workplace, and simultaneously, we also wish to dedicate more of our time to our loved ones, and to developing our own competences. The problem is that human beings aren’t always capable of creating a balance between their work and their family. And this may lead to very serious imbalances. Imbalance creates pressure within the individual, which may result in conflicts both within the enterprise the individual is employed by, and within the family they belong to.
How can we solve this duality? In other words, how can the individual satisfy these needs in a way that stress and conflict are minimised?
The answer is to learn the balance between work and private life on a competence level, as time spent with the family is highly important for both genders, which can be harmonised with work-time, if we are owners of the work-life balance competence and are efficient users of time management.
Implementing project management techniques into our private lives is strongly related to this topic, and the above-mentioned train of thought, similarly to the usage of project management tools in our everyday lives, as these techniques and methods help people in leading their own lives using their individual competences. However, in this aspect, we cannot interpret these competences as different definitions, as in order to use them successfully, we have to understand the entire toolset of project management. A condition for thinking in a project perspective is to completely understand and use project management tools and techniques, and to understand how the different processes and elements are connected to each other. Only if we have all these, will we be able to routinely employ the technique or competence, which will serve as the most efficient solution for realising our goals in our current life situation.
If we translate this to practical usage, evaluating our own status, finding realistic targets and goals, strategic thinking, risk evaluation, proper communication, and feedback are all competences and abilities, without which we are incapable of successfully thinking in a project perspective. Even if we are owners of these competences and abilities, we can only efficiently employ them if we can precisely place these tools and techniques in the system of processes supporting each other both in time and space. Naturally, these competences can be developed, but this isn’t a one-day ride. Educating society to be more aware can already be initiated during childhood, or at the school desk, as the earlier people begin to employ thought-driven planning, the faster the project perspective will integrate into their thought processes subconsciously.