Another milestone in the life of Project Life Management

2018 Blog, Other

The EUROPÉER Foundation won an international tender for one of the foundation’s most important, and highest priority programme, the actualisation of spreading a project-based life management, which is done in cooperation with the Professional Project Life Non-profit Co. Ltd. The one who came up with, and manages the project is Györgyi Szuhai Lakatosné – a project manager, economist majoring in Leadership and Management, and a doctor candidate of Szent István University’s Doctoral School of Management and Organisational Sciences – who has many years of research and publication history in the field.
The goal of the project named << PLM - Project-based Life Management >> funded by the tender EFOP-5.2.2-17, christened “Trans-national cooperatives” is to gain the advantages that come with an international cooperation. The tender is an exceptional opportunity for getting to know project-based life management, and its related foreign experience and best practices, to work out a methodology for implementing them into a Hungarian context, and to have our foreign partners give their opinions.
The project will be implemented between 2018 and 2019. The actual timeframe of the project is 24 months, during which, four countries, namely Austria, Croatia, Slovakia and Romania will have various organisations coming to our workshops, educational outings and professional events. When we chose our foreign partners, we took care to choose ones with significant experience in the topic, and that they had to be a multiplier role on the field themselves, which enables them to get the cooperation of further partners. During the project, the partners will take part in events organised by organisations funded in Hungary. Among the events, there will be workshops, professional events, conferences, disseminations, etc. Our foreign partners will come for more than simply sharing experiences, they’ll also serve as mentors for Hungarian experts, who will be responsible for working out the various documentations, recommendations, and the methodology itself.
As part of the project, we will also conduct a questionnaire, in order to analyse market tendencies of relevant human resource services in GOs and NOGs, about project-based life management.
As the result of the project, we’ll finalise a research conclusion report and methodology summary, which helps achieve the above-mentioned goals, and may serve as a basis for determining strategic goals, educational programmes for decision makers or other organisations.
This makes it possible to realise a state evaluation for Hungary, and for the international scene as well, which will result in us understanding the foreign practice of using project-based life management, and the usage of project management techniques in everyday life, and we’ll also get long-term cooperation out of it.
The first workshop meeting was organised the next day after the kick-off meeting, 27. January in Zalakaros. As the topic of the project – education of the service to be analysed as part of the project, project-based lifestyle, as a perspective, and competence – is a very unique concept, at first, important descriptions were discussed, what Project Life Management actually is. Domestic and foreign examples of project-based education were introduced, and some foreign research results were mentioned. The exact deadlines of partners’ tasks were decided upon.